Global Game Day

-Cool burning smoke only. (According to field conditions) Smoke in the bush will be decided on game day.
-No First Strike will be allowed
White and Yellow fills only, light blue For 43 cal FPO .
.. We only allow Adrenaline Field paints at this game.
Saturday Open play is included in your Global admission, RECON the field
Gates Open @ 7:30 am.
Game Play Briefing Starts at 9:00 am.
Round 1 begins at , 930 am Sharp. Ready or not
Round 1 @ 9:30 – 11:30 > Break for 45 min (30 min lunch & 15 min pre round briefing)
Round 2 @ 12:15 – 2:15 > Break for 45 min (30 min lunch & 15 min pre round briefing)
Round 3 @ 3 pm – 5pm > Game over.. Prizes and Storytelling, MVP’s MVT’s at 5:15pm
The day will be played in 3 rounds
Global Game Team Bases
Round 1 = Blue Mounds – Red Woods – Green Hyperball
Round 2 = Blue Hyperball – Red Mounds – Green Woods
Round 3 = Blue Woods – Red Hyperball – Green Mounds
- 5 points to pull a flag
5 points for Flags up on the 30 minute mark
Gold Bars 25 points/Game Bucks (returned to base)
Main Objective Points Range from 50 points per mission at the start of the round, up to 100 points per mission at the end.
Flags will be counted every 30 minutes. (Note that for the castle game Flag points count differently)
Castle flag will count as 10 pts per minute for the team defending the castle. Pull this flag to earn 100 pts and deny the defending team from earning pts until they can reclaim their defensive post. (Castle conquest only)
Booty Points (Loot Returned to Base)
Wood Case, Plastic Case, Tool Box, Whiskey Bottle, TNT = 10 pts
Javelin = 20 pts
Gold Bars = 25 pts
Reinsertion/ bases
Players may shoot out of a base
Players may not shoot into a base, on purpose; if it happens by chance the hit is not counted.
Bases will be set up so the opposing teams will not be able to enter. Air bunkers are for defensive players only
Teams can use unlimited rockets from their Base.
Players may only reinsert into the game, from their team base or from a controlled Flag after being healed as per the medic rules
Other rules
Medics- 3 per Team.
- Medics will be carrying a hole puncher each
- Medic must hole punch player card for revive to count. Medics can heal medics. Medics can not heal head shots
- Players are responsible for their own player card
- Player Cards will not be replaced, on the field. new kill cards ca be replaced at registration
- Once healed by a Medic, player can respawn from controlled flag
- Players may NOT respawn at flag if they were shot out from
Rockets & grenades
- 4 rockets per round per team are allowed, per round. they are dead to all teams once used .. BYOR .. You are not allowed to touch spent Rockets that are not your personal property. The reffs will collect spent rockets
- They can be thrown, shot or kicked. as long as they travel 250 fps or less.. rockets must hit a structure/ tree, building, rock ect.
- All players within a 15 foot radius of the impact to a structure are eliminated and must return to base to re-spawn.
- Teams can use unlimited rockets from inside their base.
- Rockets eliminate a Shield player and everyone in a 15 foot radius
- Players can not Medic from a rocket hit
- Any amount of grenade juice is an Elimination, even on a shield
- Each team May have 2 large Shield and 2 small Shield players
- Shields will be clear except for up to 15 % allowed for stickers or structure. mesh is considered clear.
- large shield in max 2′ by 3 ‘, a small shield is max 18″ by 24″
- Shield players have to use pistols only.
- Shields can only be used in the defense zone (near your base or a flag that is controlled by your team).
- Shield players can be eliminated by Rockets and Grenades and swords
A fully pulled red flag indicates red territory
A fully pulled Blue Flag indicates Blue territory
A half pulled flag indicates Green territory Note: the red and blue flags should be even
Alliances are not a thing in Global >Just don’t even ask.
Any Alliances not approved by The GAME BOSS will cause the two teams participating in the alliance to each loose 4 flag stations immediately, and as many points as the games Boss sees fit. Alliances will almost never be approved
Teams may sell (for Points) unspent Rockets, flag station’s.
All sales must be approved by the game Boss.
Troop Drop / Insertions/ Airstrike
- Teams can buy helicopter/Troop transport insertions into enemy territory for -20 points or $200 Game Dollars
- Teams get 1 free Transport per round
- Players may not in any way follow a troop transport
- No set limit on transports (everyone must be able to safely hold guiding rope). One player can act as a gun turret
- A transport can be a helio and deploy all at once, or a truck that drops players one at a time
- The troop transport turret is only live while stopped to deploy troops.
- 2 players can start to shoot at the start of the 3 second count down to Go Go Go. The turret may fire at players attempting to follow.
- Extra insertions cost
Airstrikes are only used to help teams get out of a dead boxed situation – must be approved by The Game Boss.
- Airstrike takes out ALL players within the 4 closest flags to the base calling the strike, or what ever the local reff thinks is appropriate for the area.
- Flags remain as they were when the strike is called.
- Players eliminated by an airstrike can not be healed by a medic..
- Players using the airstrike can re-enter the strike area as soon as the eliminated players have been notified
- Opposing players cannot re enter the Strike zone when the reff says so. The reff should count down from 10 till its GO Go Go
Field rules
-NO full Auto, No ramping, 3 shot burst 10 bps cap is allowed for Blow back markers only
-No body contact
-If you call a Paint check on an opponent and its clean. You`re Out
-Screaming “Get out Get” out at players is considered poor sportsmanship
– No Radio Spying
-10.5 bps Max. No Ramping
-No First Strike
-No Ten foot rule.
- No Training Knives, No swords that haven`t been approved by Game Boss or Head Reff. One lg and one Small shield per team
-Mercy’s are encouraged and should be accepted
- If You’re primary is hit (includes hand) , you can continue with a secondary.
Global Game Play Terminology
- POW (VIP) – Dummy with your team`s colour ribbon attached (used in missions – only bring to base if dummy has your team colour)
- Wooden Suitcases – Wood squares with a metal handle that are your teams colour
- Plastic Case – Plastic Case with your team`s colour ribbon attached (free for all if no ribbon)
- Bars/Bills – Worth different amounts redeemable at the Game store
- Javelin – Wood Cylinders with a small metal Handle
- Toolbox – Small Plastic Case with your team`s colour ribbon attached (free for all if no ribbon)
- Whiskey Bottles – Red, Bottle Shaped Wood
- Javelin Case – Green metal tube (used on field in missions – not to be brought to base)
- Gas Can – Green metal gas can (used on field in missions – not to be brought to base unless stated in mission)
Game Store
- Buy a mission $200 will be at least 50 points
- Control of mercenaries when available $500 – Have a small team of extra players join you to help make your push (20 min)
- Better Intel $200– Receive your missions for this or next round 10 minutes early
- Flag Change $250– Change 1 flag to your colour.
- Troop Transport $200
- extra medic for the rest of the round $500